For complete detailed Setup, Configuration and User information click HERE. We recommend downloading and printing this document. Create Your Store
Configure Your Store (At this point you are linked to the store manager for your store. It is recommended that you bookmark the link so that you can easily enter the manager later. Otherwise you must go to https://www.king-cart.com/cgi-bin/protected/manager.cgi to enter the manager. )
o At this point you are in the “enter a product” screen. Enter as many products as you wish. Use a different category name for each product category. Categories can be multiple words. Enter the name for an image to be displayed if you wish to display images. If you wish to use thumbnail images, then enter the thumbnail image name, which is the full image name preceded by "tn-", ie. tn-image.gif would be the thumbnail of image.gif. If you wish to offer options to the product, such as size, color, gift wrap, gift card, and so forth, then enter the filename for an option file that will specify these things. The option file is the ONLY html that must be generated by you, so if you have no options, no HTML ever needs to be created or edited. Once everything is added to this screen, click "Add Product." Continue until you have added the products you wish at this time. o Now click on "Program Settings." This will allow you to finish setting up the cart.
Select the processing you want. At this time you can select Offline, Anacom, AuthorizeNet, ePN, iTransact, LinkPoint, PayPal, SecurePay or VeriSign. Other processors will be added in the next few weeks.
Next item to fill in is taxes. It is pretty self-explanatory. Simply enter the tax rate for each state for which you need to collect taxes. Leave all blank to collect no sales tax. For instance, for Tennessee you would enter .0825. If the state requires taxing the shipping charges, select after for "Should taxes be computed before or after shipping charges?"; otherwise select before.
o There are three templates for the product page appearance. Click on the view links to see what each looks like. Then select the one you want by clicking on the appropriate radio button. o The edit and upload pages allow you to modify all the templates for the headers, footers, front page, product page, and so forth. It is recommended to leave all these at the default selection initially, then make any change if you wish later. To make changes does require one to deal with HTML coding.
o Click on Front Page customization. This will bring up a page that allows you to customize your front page. o You can select your foreground, background, and link colors. The default values are black text, white background, blue link, and violet activated link. o Then you can select whether you want currency selection, a search box, and password protection entry. All these can be changed at a later date. o You will need links to your product categories; the next selections allow you to either put text links horizontally, or post links vertically. If you use the post links, then text can be written for each link as well. o Finally, put whatever text you wish to place on the front page. This entry allows full html if you desire, but it is not necessary unless you wish to use the feature of html. Multiple enters are automatically changed to <P> to maintain your formatting. o Click on “make” when done. Use your browser BACK to return to the manager.
o Verify the shipping zip code. This is used to compute your shipping charges. o Enter how you want shipping and handling handled. Use a standard mathematical formulae to compute from the actual cost, a handling fee, insurance adder, and so forth as detailed on the page. o Select if you want the cost using residential or commercial rates, and whether you allow COD shipments. For COD, enter the amount of adder you wish to be added to the shipping and handling. o Decide if you want the shipping restrictions displayed on the shipping selection page for international orders. o Select how you want errors to be handled and whether you wish to create an access log. o Click on Submit to finish setting up your store. o At the bottom of the page click on "Update My Shipping Options." Review and select or deselect the methods you wish customers to be able to select for shipping. If you wish to call any of the options by different names, enter that in the text boxes on the right. For instance, the post office has a service called Global Airmail Letter Post and Global Airmail Parcel Post. These are not descriptive, since packages can be shipped by either; the letter post is less expensive for light packages and the parcel for heavier packages. o Deselect any countries to which you do not wish to allow shipping. Click submit to make the changes, and use BACK to return to the manager.
o At the top of the Program Settings page, click Gateway Settings. Different gateways will ask different questions. For gateways other than Offline, you must enter your ID. The gateway url default should be correct. o
For Offline, you will have the option to either write part of the
credit card number to the order file and send the other part of the number in
the email to you, or send the entire CC information to you in an encrypted email
using PGP. If you are using pgp, simply cut and paste your public key into the
appropriate box and submit it.
o Your site is now set up and operational. To test, go to http://king-cart/cgi-bin/cart.cgi?store=[your store id] and you will be at the front page. You can click on the appropriate selections and follow the cart all the way through to charging the card (or sending the information to the order log and email). o If you wish to customize any of the pages, this can be easily done from the manger's program settings menu Edit and Upload Pages section. You will either have to know HTML or load into an HTML editor such as Netscape Composer to update these pages. However, they allow full customization on how the pages display and look, as can be seen by some of our other clients’ carts. |