Our partners offer efficient and trouble-free interfacing to King Cart. We
have two types of partners. The first are on-line credit card and check
processors. The cart has been optimized for each of these partners,
so you know if you select one of
our partners to do your processing, your store will be efficient and
reliable. Note that you do not need an on-line processor if you want to
process the charges by hand. Just select Offline as your processor and the
credit card information will be made available to you in a secure manner.
We also have web hosting companies and website designers, who will link your
website to our cart and set it up for you. So if you not only want a webcart
but your whole site designed from the bottom up and interfaced seamlessly,
give one of our partners a call.
We welcome other processors, hosting companies and web site designers to
partnership with us. If you are interested in partner-shipping with us
please go to our partnership section and fill in
the necessary information.