To obtain a transaction key do the following:
1. Log into the AuthorizeNet Merchant Interface.
2. Select Settings from the Main Menu.
3. Click on the Obtain Transaction Key in the Security section.
4. Type in the answer to your secret question (The secret question and answer
is setup during account activation. It is required to authenticate the
merchant before the transaction key is generated.)
5.Click Submit.
6. The transaction key is returned by the Merchant Interface.
To enter the transaction key into King Cart do the following
1. Log into the Manager.
2. Click on the "Program settings" link at the top of the page.
3. Make sure that the gateway you have selected is the AuthorizeNetSIM
or AuthorizeNetAIM gateway, if not select it and click submit.
4. Click on the "gateway settings" link at the top of the page.
5. Enter your id and transaction key into the appropriate fields.
6. Click Submit.
7. Enter an order in your cart and verify that you can reach the transaction
page at Authorizenet where the credit card information is entered without
any errors.
It is highly recommended that you copy and paste the key into the manager, since any error in the key will cause the transaction to fail.