The CVV2 (Card Verification Value 2) number is used as an additional security measure by many processors.
Cards it is a 3-digit number printed in the signature block on the rear of the credit/debit card.
American Express
cards, the CVV2
number is a 4 digit number which can be found
on the front of the card.
The security code on a Visa / MasterCard is the last 3 digits that come after your credit card number on the back of your card. A Visa card is shown below with the security code highlighted.

The security code on a Discover Card is the last 3 digits that come after your credit card number on the back of your card. A Discover card is shown below with the security code highlighted.

The security code on an American Express Card is the 4 digits that are above and to the right of your credit card number on the front of your card. An American Express card is shown below with the security code highlighted.

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