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 e-commerce shopping cart
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    Set up a new store     ...Welcome!
Fill in the fields below.. to set up a new store. Full directions can be found by clicking on Setup here or on our front page. Once you have set up your store, it will be fully operational; can take orders and provide online or offline credit card transactions, as well as C.O.D. and Open Account orders, if you enable them. There is no charge for you to set up and test your store for up to 30 days.

To access or link to your new store after setting it up, go to "[id]" where "[id]" is the id. you enter below. You should also receive an email with the full information in it on how to access your store, manager and so forth after finishing the setup.

• Please enter an id. for your store:
(one word id., alphanumeric only)-

• Please select a password:

• Please re-enter the password:

• I have read the user agreement
and agree to its terms:


To see some of our clients' stores, like "Byterunner Technologies".